come back when you have the time to unify .. destruction is the easiest work of a dumb mind … those who do not have the time to study and are so busy at taking cracks at other people who study earn no brownie points with collective consciousness.When you can unify, forgive, love despite differences then you may have a voice .. for now it will be silenced .. maybe you will end up being torn apart by religion … an esoteric school of thought says .. be careful what you wish for others .. for instead of harming them it may boomerang back to you. I have seen this happen in countless lives .. for the universe works through laws many of which are impregnated in religion and from my own experiences have seen it bring back punishments for people who mess with the collective psyche. You have a personal choice for your life .. but you do not have permission to confuse ordinary people who lap up the words of voices like yours … this is a warning .. go further and find yourself out of a career … manage to join and I’ll give you a thumbs up. Make life tough for others then I hold the power to make yours tough too. Religion is being gtiven too much flack and whereas people who are lazy to do their own homework or don’t hold the power to understand deeper truths may not be given permission to push religion into the ground. There are many sane people who do not swallow vitriol served up as knowledge.Knowledge has always been positive .. that’s what we all grew up believing and our trust was never misplaced. The universe holds truths that are capable of being laws unto themselves and you do not have the power to change them for others. Can you imagine the mayhem the world would be in .. if the world thought like americans .. everyone would be at war with each other .. would the universe allow such a dumb thing to happen .. of course not … but watch and observe that americans are going through the worst crisis ever in their history. Their collective psyche is askew … and they are paying the price too. Change your thinking .. move away from wars that take life … do please observe that the only life taking a beating are the muslims and the americans in the world. And you can never deny that all of it was created from your way of thinking … a hate that did not allow the most imp rule of life .. if you cannot love which I too agree is not always possible .. agree to live and let live. When you influence wrongly you are doing the devil’s work in ignorance and every devil gets its come uppance.
The story of the fight of good over evil is as old as the world is … and when God is everything .. that consciousness holds the final authority to be on the side it wishes .. and that is the lesson worth remembering … when you pull at your leash to becoming an individual voice .. a something in the world of only gods .. you are either a beacon of light or you gain notoriety through which you will be made an example for the world .. ignore such warnings at your peril. And we have ample examples of those that did through the power of the devil. They became living examples of what happens to such thinkers .. they become meat for fodder. God hung them them up to dry when they went too far. This is not my way of thinking .. just putting into words all I have seen and read through my studies and analyses of world affairs.